Friday, November 13, 2009

So right now I am seeing a guy I saw before I went out with M. I'm not really sure why W. even wants to go out with me, since I've somewhat screwed him over a few times. It's so nice just to hang out with someone and not be worrying if I say something wrong and he gets mad. Plus W is like overly turned on by me, which is way flattering. I haven't felt attractive in so long. Tonight we watched Mystic River, and then he asked if I wanted to go hang out with him and his friends. Since I have my first aid class in the morning, I declined, but it was nice anyway. I think we are going to do something tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


The toughest part is trying to figure out if Matt is going to sustainably change, like if it is going to last a week, a month, or forever. I know that he does really love me, but is that enough?